
Shing Kin

Shing Kin has written 8 posts for 致知 | Spark



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機緣巧合,有機會前往新界東北新發展區諮詢會。幾張照片記錄了當日的一些場面。 Continue reading

Shing Kin – with 400k others at 2012 7-1 protest

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十五周年,四十萬香港人,兩個幾鐘維園等候,彼岸煙花匯演,此岸倒彩不斷。我只知道上街不是為衝突,不是為挑釁任何人。儘管路只有半條,我都會安靜把它走完。站出來的原因亦很簡單: Continue reading



Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong -Picture: AFP

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Let’s take a walk my friend.

No doubt, the result of the Hong Kong District Council Election let down many Hong Kong people (the youth probably) and the pan-democracy camp just got defeated with a low number of votes. Well, do we not cherish “democracy”? Is this result not “representative” of “democracy”? Do “we” give up “democracy”? You have the best interpretation.

What leads you to depression is probably more than the election. We have a whole bunch of stars of the century passed away recently, the ones that we might care about the most are Ricky Hui (許冠英) and Cupertino’s Steve (Actually, we can’t ignore the passed-away of Dennis Ritchie, who invented C and UNIX). One created a new style of life, one created our collective childhood memory. Yet, more to upset Hong Kong people these days include the lawsuit of foreign maids’ citizenship in Hong Kong… Across the pacific, what else you would curse are probably the tough US economy and job market, and the never-go-down college tuition.

So now what? Life goes on dude. Therefore, what I recommend you to do to escape from and to better deal with all these pains is, a walk, not a facebook walk. Continue reading